
30 French and 22 Czech companies discussed at the Czech-French summit

The Czech and French industries are among the leaders of the nuclear industry in Europe. Thanks to the tender for the construction of new nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic, the two countries are also coming closer together in terms of cooperation between companies with nuclear know-how. In order to give them the opportunity to get to know each other better and to establish or deepen supplier-customer relations, the Czech Power Industry Alliance and GIFEN – the Association of French Industrial Suppliers of Nuclear Power Equipment – organised a Czech-French industrial cooperation summit with an afternoon B2B meetings in Prague at the beginning of April.

The morning program was opened by representatives of both organizing organizations. Tomáš Ehler from the Ministry of Industry and Trade spoke about the importance of the Czech industry’s involvement in the completion of new nuclear power plants, including the plan for their construction, while French Ambassador Stéphane Crouzat emphasised the long-term cooperation between the Czech Republic and France within the framework of an advanced national industry. The afternoon session was dedicated to B2B negotiations between Czech and French companies.

The summit was attended by 30 supplier companies from the nuclear industry in France and 22 companies with nuclear programmes from the Czech Republic.

The Czech-French Nuclear Industry Summit also included an excursion to the production facilities of ZAT in Příbram – a renowned manufacturer of control systems for energy and industry. The delegation of seven French companies visited the modern equipment of the company and got acquainted with the production processes and the range of services provided.

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