Alliance of Czech Technological Suppliers for Energy Resources

Coordinator of strategic interests and strategic partnerships and cooperation of Czech technological suppliers for energy resources, including nuclear energy and hydrogen technologies

data for 2023

26 companies in the alliance
3736 million EUR is the turnover of all our members
60 countries where our members are active
13936 employees of all members


About CPIA

Comprehensive supplies
for energy sources

Comprehensive design, production, supply and installation for energy projects, including nuclear power plants

and know-how

90% of equipment for Czechoslovak power plants, including nuclear power plants, was manufactured by domestic companies

The Alliance has
government support

We work in accordance with the requirements of the Updated State Energy Concept and the National Action Plan for the Development of Nuclear Energy

More Information about Members

The strength of our alliance lies in the ability to supply nuclear
energy across all disciplines. Part of the alliance are large
companies that can present themselves as large
references, long tradition and know-how.

Milan Šimonovský
Chairman of the Alliance Committee

ZAT World-class control systems for conventional and nuclear power engineering and industrial processes, High-tech solutions for sophisticated technologies requiring a long life cycle applicable for robust as well as minor applications
SIGMA GROUP The joint-stock company SIGMA GROUP a.s. is a modern and dynamically motivated engineering company which is the most significant producer of pumping machinery in the Czech Republic.
ŠKODA JS Engineering, components manufacturing and services for NPPS.


CPIA was established in September 2015 as a non-exclusive partnership of companies operating in the field of design, production, supply and installation in projects of construction, service, modernization and decommissioning of energy sources, including nuclear power plants. Czech industry has a long history of supply activities in the energy sector; historically, 90% of the equipment was manufactured domestically, including key components for nuclear power plants. Know-how and craftsmanship have remained so companies are able to supply a variety of commodities, with related energy engineering around the world and nuclear power plants included.

The CPIA is supported by the Czech government because it meets, among other things, the official requirements of the Updated State Energy Concept and the National Action Plan for the Development of Nuclear Energy.

List of Alliance Members

You can also be a member of the Alliance

Any Czech supply company can become a member of the Alliance, supplying:

  • Any part of technology or equipment to any energy source
  • Design and engineering for any part of technology or equipment
  • Service activities for any part of the technology or equipment
  • Assembly activities and activities related to the coordination of energy source construction
    A financially stable company based in the Czech Republic
  • If you are interested, please contact us at

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