CICM s.r.o. and Královopolská, a.s. became new members of the Czech Power Industry Alliance.
The company CICM s.r.o. is a reliable supplier of metallic and fibre optic cables. It designs, manufactures and supplies cables for every industry and every purpose. It has an extensive range of cables, conductors, special cables of custom design, including cable accessory technologies.
The main focus of implementation is supply for distribution:
- Power electricity
- Measurement and control circuits
- Network and bus technology circuits
Their product line is exclusively complemented by cables for fire-rated EPS, CCTV, GDS, FS circuits, which require safety cable construction of all types and designs according to European Union directives and regulations.
The company KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ, a.s. is a leading supplier of apparatus for the chemical and petrochemical industry, as well as cranes, which are used not only in the metallurgical industry, but also in other industries. The aim is to continue to assert itself on the domestic and foreign market as a reliable supplier of special products, customized metallurgical constructions and as a leading engineering company, which will be sought after by large design and supply companies as a subcontractor of piece equipment in the supply of investment projects and smaller reconstruction of operating units and equipment.