Company ABO valve s.r.o., the Central European leader in the production of butterfly valves over the last 30 years, became a new member of Czech Power Industry Alliance. ABO valves already regulate flows in 70 countries around the world. The company produces butterfly valves for common industrial applications, but it´s also specialized in the development and production of butterfly valves for extreme conditions. ABO valve is a purely Czech company with a strong export orientation and having among the others, the references from the energy sector including the nuclear energy.
- Chemistry and petrochemistry
- Oil and gas
- Energy
- Water and wastewater
- Paper, HVAC, Shipping, Food, Pharmaceuticals
- Centric butterfly valves for industrial applications
- Eccentric butterfly valves for very tough conditions
- Interflanged check valves
- Knife gate valves
- Ball valves and check valves
- Filters, actuators and accessories